welcome to ICS Canada

Incident Command System

ICS is a Pan Canadian command and control structure used to help manage emergency incidents and planned events. It provides the framework for standard incident management response and improves interoperability between all response organizations as well as with international cooperators.

What We Do

The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized on-site management system designed to enable effective, efficient incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure.

The ICS is used to manage an incident or a non-emergency event, and can be used equally well for both small and large situations.


The safety of responders and others.


The achievement of response objectives.


The efficient use of resources.

Vincent Demers

Vincent Demers

Chairperson, ICS Canada

Our Vision

We work towards the day when the ICS Canada system is accepted as the command, control, and coordination  response structure across Canada for managing tactical operations.

Our Mission

To enhance interoperability amongst ICS users in Canada, by providing an Operational Description, Incident Command System training curricula, and associated standards.


ICS Canada Training Materials and Courses

ICS Canada training courses have been revised and reviewed by an interjurisdictional and interagency peer review group to provide comprehensive “all hazard” ICS curricula. Courses such as the “I” series I-100 through I-400 and I-402 are available for instructor delivery along with a series of courses for command and general staff, and various unit leader postions.


ICS Canada Reponse and Planning Guide

The ICS Canada Response and Planning Guide is available from the Alberta Fire Chief's Association Bookstore for $35.00 plus S&H. This will also be available in French in the coming months.  Order yours now!

2023 Nova Scotia Wildfires After-Action Report

Between May and June 2023, wildfires affecting Barrington Lake, Shelburne County and Tantallon, Halifax County reached unprecedented levels resulting in evacuations, damaged areas of over 25,000 hectares, and more than 200 homes lost. The wildfire in Shelburne County...

ICS Canada Doctrine Project

In the fall of 2023, a group of representatives from ICS Canada and SMEs from across Canada and the United States met for 3 days in Quebec City to begin work on developing doctrine to support the ICS Canada Incident Command System. As a result of the meeting, a draft of proposed changes and next steps were produced.

GNWT Report – Learning From the Response to COVID-19

The report tabled in 2023, started with their first recommendation to "mandate the implementation of a coordinated ICS across all departments and agencies within the GNWT". Click on report to read the document.

A New Year, A New Website!

Welcome to the new look and we want to hear what you think! Currently we are running a soft roll out of our site where we are not quite ready yet for a public announcement. Soon you will be able to access A/AHJ functionality and...